The DiskursDisco is co-curated by a fluid DiskursDisco collective and originally composed by Maja-Lee Voigt.
It aims to funk it up – and fuck it up.
Combining everyday life with epistemology, the DiskursDisco is about re:mixing methods, embracing the uncertain, and hacking the academy. It asks questions, ideas, reflections, and doubts to dance. It wants to be a braver space between worlds, perspectives, disciplines. Between theory and pop culture, noobs and nerds, deep conversation and finding ease;
breaking with boundaries, jazzing up concepts, grooving with ideas. The DiskursDisco is, what we make of it – we, the collective curators, creators, caretakers. Walking, talking, waltzing, twerking –
the floor is yours!
The DiskursDisco is open to FLINTA (with the German acronym FLINTA we refer to women, lesbians, inter and non-binary identifying humans, trans folx, and agender people) and ‘early career researchers’.
If you’re curious, looking for community, and think this could be your kinda disco, please feel warmly invited to contact me!
You can find more on the format here.
Tune into our Jukebox here.